HIGH POWER LASER THERAPY--General Introduction
10 watt – 15 watt
30 watt – 60 watt
High Power Laser Therapy (HPLT) delivers up to 1,500 times more therapeutic energy than other therapy lasers.
The optimal single wavelength of 980nm is used for maximum penetration, with choice of odes from continuous wave (CW); single pulse and pulsed modes. Penetration is paramount in order to stimulate deep musculoskeletal, vascular, lymphatic, and neurological structures.
More power combined with the correct wavelength equates to deeper penetration, faster treatment times and delivery of the proper therapeutic dosage, an enhanced ability
to treat difficult conditions, and ultimately better clinical outcomes.
Sales manager
Wuhan Gigaa Optronics Technology Co., Ltd. Focuses on the medical diode laser system and accessories for application in a wide range of medical specialties. Using the perfect Chinese resource industry, we provide the high quality and the cost effective new type medical laser systems to the clients all over the world. The laser systems involve to Urology, EVLT, ENT, Dental, Gynecological, Orthopedic, Plastic surgery and other areas. Lucien -Sales Manager
VELAS Endovenous laser ablation(EVLT) training in China
VELAS Endovenous laser ablation(EVLT) training in China
This course is based on individual one to one tuition in a specialist vein clinic. Didactic teaching using prepared and distributed literature and opportunities to question the experts will be followed by observation of live cases in the operating room.
- At the end of the course the participants will:
- Understand the basics of laser safety
- Understand the indications and contraindications of EVLA
- Know how to establish an outpatient based varicose vein treatment service
- Understand how to apply their understanding to their own clinical practice.
- The following topics will be covered
- Our results with EVLA
- Lasers for EVLA
- Laser physics and safety
- Room requirements
- Case videos on USB to take away.
- Theatre and nursing issues
- Discussion how to start up, get good results and avoid complications
Assessment is done by a short MCQ exam and on completion the participants will be given Certificates of Training in EVLA using the Gigaa Laser
Sales manager
Acne Laser treatment
1. Active acne
Developments in laser technology now offer a breakthrough in the treatment of active acne. Aesthetic laser systems use a high power laser, such as Nd:YAG (1064 nm), to penetrate the skin and target the bacteria that produces the inflammation associated with acne. This bacteria releases molecules called porphyrins which when exposed to a certain wavelength of light (the laser beam) increase in number until they destroy the bacteria.
2. Acne scars
Lasers have been used to treat acne scars for several years. In such treatments the Er:YAG (2940 nm) laser is used to remove skin so that new skin can form in its place. Unlike chemical peels and dermabrasion with laser resurfacing the penetration depth into the skin is more easily controlled. The laser gently vaporises the acne-scarred surface of the skin so that undamaged skin below is revealed. Unlike many other techniques laser resurfacing is bloodless, gentle and complete recovery is achieved within days.
Some of the laser systems include both an erbium laser that allows the minimal penetration required for the gentle resurfacing of acne-scarred skin, and a neodymium laser to penetrate deeper in order to destroy the active bacteria in acne (propionobacterium). As a result, present laser systems offer a comprehensive solution to the misery of acne.
Skin Superficial lesion Laser treatment
Laser ablation of keratoses allows for the removal of the epidermis and superficial dermis in a controlled and relatively bloodless manner. Clinical studies have shown that the Er:YAG laser is a very effective treatment for keratoses with a clinical and histological improvement of up to 93% after one treatment, and without significant side effects.
Laser treatment of moles works by targeting the melanin pigment found within the mlanocytes of the moles. Laser treatment of moles is usually progressive often requiring multiple treatments. About 70% of patients who have laser treatments to remove their moles notice a marked improvement. Newer and shallower moles and scars respond better than older and deeper scars and moles.
Additional studies show that the appearance of moles continues to improve after the treatment, usually between 3 to 6 months after the treatment was given
Sales manager.
Scar Laser removal
Skin resurfacing Er:YAG (2940 nm) lasers work by removing ultra fine layers of the scarred skin. This has two effects, firstly it softens the transition between the scarred tissue and the normal skin surrounding it. Secondly it stimulates the production of new collagen in the scarred area thereby enhancing the skin's capacity to regenerate new cells. Overall the skin is flattened, remodelled and tightened.
While laser treatment of all scars is an effective and superior alternative to traditional treatments, laser treatment of atrophic scars caused by acne or surgery is particularly effective. One study showed that in the treatment of a group of 78 patients 70-90% showed a significant improvement in acne scarring when treated with a Er:YAG laser. In addition the use of Er:YAG lasers has also been shown to be particularly effective in the treatment of scars caused by burns.
Sales manager
Laser Treatment of Spider Veins
Laser Treatment of Spider Veins
Superficial veins, like spider veins, can be treated extremely effectively with laser therapy. The energy from Diode 980nm laser is absorbed by the blood in the vein, changed into heat and the vein walls destroyed. This process is perfectly safe as other healthy veins will supply blood to the treated area and the body will clear the dead tissue as it clears a bruise. Some patients may only need one treatment but usually up to 3 treatments are required to clear the skin of the spider vein completely.
Sales manager
High power laser therapy for Podiatry
FDA cleared for foot and ankle pain, fracture and/or post-operative, tendonitis, neuroma, nerve pain, tarsal tunnel, equinus, joint pain, DJD/RA of any joint, Achilles tendonitis, planter fasciitis, warts, inflammatory conditions and our favorite, Unsightly Toenails
FDA cleared for foot and ankle pain, fracture and/or post-operative, tendonitis, neuroma, nerve pain, tarsal tunnel, equinus, joint pain, DJD/RA of any joint, Achilles tendonitis, planter fasciitis, warts, inflammatory conditions and our favorite, Unsightly Toenails
GBOX CLASS IV laser therapy for podiatry
Main application
foot and ankle pain, fracture and/or post-operative, tendonitis, neuroma, nerve pain, tarsal tunnel, equinus, joint pain, DJD/RA of any joint, Achilles tendonitis, planter fasciitis, warts, inflammatory conditions and our favorite, Unsightly Toenails
GBOX CLASS IV High Powered Laser Therapy for Plantar Fasciitis
Plantar Fasciitis is a serious, painful, and progressing condition that occurs when the long, flat ligament along the bottom of the foot develops micro-tears and inflammation. In other words, plantar fasciitis is a strain of the plantar ligament. The plantar ligament extends from the five toes and runs along the bottom of the foot, attaching at the heel. When you walk or run, you land on your heel and raise yourself on your toes as you shift your weight to your other foot, causing all your weight to be held up by your plantar ligament. Under certain circumstances, such repetitive force can damage the plantar ligament.
GBOX CLASS IV High Powered Laser Therapy treatments for Plantar Fasciitis pain in fact has proven to be very effective, but more importantly having absolutely no side effects what so ever. While some patients are filled with question during treatment, others have admitted to it feeling like a deep massage that is so comfortable, it puts them to sleep. Nonetheless, the results are still there. If a patient is in fear of side effects, or scared of their condition getting worse, the decision to what treatment you choose, should be very easy.
Urology- BPH Diode Laser
Urology-BPH Diode Laser
Keywords: Prostate; Cysts; Laser; Transurethral
Abbreviations: LUTS: Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms; IPSS: International Prostate Symptoms Score; QOL: Quality of Life; KUB: Kidney Ureter Bladder; TRUS: Trans Rectal UltraSound; CT: Compuerized Tomography; MRI: Magnetic Resonance Imaging; DRE: Digital Rectal Examination
Case Report
A 43 years old gentleman presented to our clinic with complaints of lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS). The symptoms were straining to pass urine, dysuria, frequency, urgency discomfort in inguinal and abdominal region. Decrease in flow was severe that he strained to maintain a flow and had frequency every one hour. All his symptoms were present since 1year but severe since 3 months. He is a known diabetic on regular oral hypoglycemic agents since 10 years. DRE was done in the clinic and was normal with normal prostate size and no tenderness. Urine analysis and culture came out to be normal. Serum total PSA test was 0.5 ng/ml. International Prostate Symptoms Score (IPSS) at presentation was 28 and Quality of Life score (QOL) was 6 at presentation. Ultra Sound Scan KUB showed both kidneys are of average size, shape with regular outline, no evidence of masses, back pressure or cystic changes. Good cortico-medullary differentiation and adequate parenchymal thickness. No evidence of free or loculated intraperitoneal or pelvic fluid collections. The maximum capacity of the urinary bladder was 500 ml with no masses or calculi. Post void residual urine was significant at 240 ml. Prostate was of average size (2.87×3.09×3.26-15.138 cc) (Figure 1) but with an anechoic oval lesion with thin and smooth walls near the midline very close to the bladder neckprobably a prostate cyst. The size of the prostate cyst was 1.06×1.14×1.59 (Figures 2 and 3).
Uroflowmetry showed a max flow of 5.7 ml/sec and a mean flow of 2.7 ml/sec for a voided volume of 230 ml. (Figure 4). The impression was a bladder outlet obstruction due to a Prostate cyst or a bladder neck
hyper trophy.
Sales manager
About Gigaa Laser
About Gigaa Laser
Wuhan Gigaa Optronics Technology Co., Ltd. Focuses on the medical diode laser system and accessories for application in a wide range of medical specialties. Using the perfect Chinese resource industry, we provide the high quality and the cost effective new type medical laser systems to the clients all over the world. The laser systems involve to Urology, EVLT, ENT, Dental, Gynecological, Orthopedic, Plastic surgery and other areas. Each year, we develop at least one new laser system, to bring the new technology and application, safety and health for the patients.
Wuhan Gigaa Optronics Technology Co., Ltd. Focuses on the medical diode laser system and accessories for application in a wide range of medical specialties. Using the perfect Chinese resource industry, we provide the high quality and the cost effective new type medical laser systems to the clients all over the world. The laser systems involve to Urology, EVLT, ENT, Dental, Gynecological, Orthopedic, Plastic surgery and other areas. Each year, we develop at least one new laser system, to bring the new technology and application, safety and health for the patients.
Gbox 1064nm For the nail fungus therapy
Gbox 1064nm For the nail fungus therapy?
The Gbox 1064nm diode laser delivers the wavelength of 1064 nm (near infrared) is used
in patients with onychomycosis. It allows an easy treatment to eradicate nail
fungus as well as an achieving of a augmented increase of clear nails. The
laser radiation penetrates the nail plate and reaches the nail bed where the
pathogens are sited. The nail or the surrounding skin don't get hurt thereby.
Only in the nail bed gets the laser radiation absorbed by the pathogens and
the circumjacent tissue. The absorption of the radiation entails a warming of
the cell structures. The cell walls get damaged and the cells die, a further
growth is therefore stopped.
Technical specification :
Laser Type : GaAlAs Diode Laser
Model : Gbox 10 F
Wavelength : 1064nm
Maximum Power : 10w
Operation Mode : CW, Single Or Repeat Pulse
Pulse Duration : 10us-3s
Repetition Rate : 0.2Hz-20KHz
Pilot Beam : Red Diode Laser Of 635nm, Power<5mW
Control Mode : True Color Touch Screen
Voltage/Current Rating : 110/220 VAC, 5A, 50/60 Hz
Dimensions : 215(W)*245(L)*315(H) mm
Weight : 4Kg
Model : Gbox 10 F
Wavelength : 1064nm
Maximum Power : 10w
Operation Mode : CW, Single Or Repeat Pulse
Pulse Duration : 10us-3s
Repetition Rate : 0.2Hz-20KHz
Pilot Beam : Red Diode Laser Of 635nm, Power<5mW
Control Mode : True Color Touch Screen
Voltage/Current Rating : 110/220 VAC, 5A, 50/60 Hz
Dimensions : 215(W)*245(L)*315(H) mm
Weight : 4Kg
Sales manager
Laser Treatment for Snoring Problem-Gbox
Snoring is very common desiease, it is not just disturbing for the partner. Snoring leads to lasting weariness, decreased efficiency right up to health endangering sleep disorders.
The ambulatory use of Gbox diode laser under local anesthesia offers conspicuous advantages here. Exceptional operative successes are achieved through a minimum invasive, low bleeding treatment - a 3-4 week post operative healing process is normal.
Gbox laser is used to stretch the palate (LAUPP) and to reduce the nasal muscular tissues. Corrections of the septum deviation and pharyngeal obstruction are carried out to some extent simultaneously. They lead to an improvement of nasal breathing.
Under normal circumstances, the patients can leave the clinic shortly after the laser treatment and resume their normal activities. Of course, sports activities are not recommended in the first few days.
Sales manager
1470nm Varicose Vein Laser Treatment
The newer diode laser 1470 nm targets the water in the vein wall instead of the hemoglobin, which results in a more comfortable procedure for patients without post-operative bruising or swelling.
Through this laser, physicians get the superior laser results of better than a 95 percent success rate with closing the Great saphenous vein.

Through this laser, physicians get the superior laser results of better than a 95 percent success rate with closing the Great saphenous vein.
- Less Bruising
- Less Swelling
- Virtually NO PAIN
- Zero Carbonization
- Burn Back Reduced
- The lowest cost per procedure

VELAS1470nm laser
Sales manager
Cavity preparation Laser
Fossilised remains of our ancestors show that cavities have always plagued us. However today's modern diet rich in highly processed and sugar-containing foods has resulted in a massive increase in the number of cavities or caries that have to be treated by dental practitioners.
With the erbium:YAG (Er:YAG, 2940 nm) range of lasers conventional drilling has been transformed. The laser works by taking advantage of the high composition of water in the enamel and dentine to create micro-explosions that eject the decayed material. The procedure is painless and in most cases requires no anaesthetic. Moreover the laser drill does not even come into physical contact with the tooth itself.
The clinical advantages of lasers for cavity preparation are that they are capable of cutting more precisely, allowing more of the healthy tooth to remain. Usually the procedure is much quicker than conventional mechanical drilling. In addition the majority of the time there is no post-operative pain reported and the healing time is quicker than with conventional techniques.
Sales manager
Chiropractic laser therapy
Chiropractic laser therapy specialize in manually adjusting vertebrae of the spine and other joints. Adjustment helps relieve pain and restore normal functioning to the spine, joints and supporting structures of the body – so you can enjoy your everyday activities again as quickly as possible.
Nasal Polyps Laser Surgery
Nasal Polyps Laser Surgery
Sometimes, a laser device may be utilized to destroy the polyps with the endoscope procedure. The laser probe passes laser energy at various power settings, starting from the lowest setting, up to a level where it successfully eliminates the polyps. Prior to the use of laser energy, the nasal passages are irrigated with a warm water solution to narrow the blood vessels situated in these passages. The entire process of polyp removal will be done under general anesthesia.
Sales manager
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