Wuhan Gigaa Optronics Technology Co., Ltd. Focuses on the medical diode laser system and accessories for application in a wide range of medical specialties. Using the perfect Chinese resource industry, we provide the high quality and the cost effective new type medical laser systems to the clients all over the world. The laser systems involve to Urology, EVLT, ENT, Dental, Gynecological, Orthopedic, Plastic surgery and other areas. Lucien -Sales Manager
Diode Laser for ENT
Diode Laser offers the most bloodless surgery available today. This laser is especially suited for ENT works and finds application in various aspects of surgery in the ear, nose, larynx, neck etc. With introduction of Diode Laser, there has been a significant improvement in the quality of ENT surgery.
Contact ENT - fiber in contact with the tissue can be used for cutting, notching, cutting out or coagulating tissue. This results in the narrow field of coagulation.
Contactless ENT - laser is used contactless for evaporation and deeper coagulation of the tissue from 1mm to 3mm
Dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR) laser surgery
Dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR) laser surgery is a procedure that aims to eliminate fluid and mucus retention within the lacrimal sac, and to increase tear drainage for relief of epiphora. In comparison to the classical treatment, the one performed with laser characterizes by a small traumatic, is almost bloodless, does not require sewing and gives less complications.

Physiotherapy by Class IV high power therapy laser
Physiotherapy by Class IV high power laser
High Power Physiotherapy – biostimulation – stimulating the physiological processes at the cellular receptors combined to the stimulation of the nerve. These processes are possible through the use of high-power radiation at much wider field of operation than before. It allows you to carry out treatments with unprecedented
speed and d epth of penetration in terms of:
- pain therapy
- treatment of inflammatory
- acceleration of wound healing
- treatment of trigger points
- treatment of tendon injuries
- treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system
High Power Physiotherapy – biostimulation – stimulating the physiological processes at the cellular receptors combined to the stimulation of the nerve. These processes are possible through the use of high-power radiation at much wider field of operation than before. It allows you to carry out treatments with unprecedented
speed and d epth of penetration in terms of:
- pain therapy
- treatment of inflammatory
- acceleration of wound healing
- treatment of trigger points
- treatment of tendon injuries
- treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system
Laser for Phlebology (EVLT)
Laser for Phlebology (EVLT)
Endovascular surgery is a form of minimally invasive surgery that was designed to access many regions of the body via blood vessels. Laser endovascular treatment is a one-hour procedure that replaces the surgical stripping and binding commonly associated with varicose vein treatment. Unlike the traditional method, which many patients found very painful and required up to six weeks recovery time, laser vein ablation involves minimal discomfort and immediate recovery for most patients. This Procedure is often ideal for treating greater saphenous vein incompetence, which causes varicose veins. The laser used in the procedure destroys the greater saphenous vein, relieving the backflow pressure and allows the blood to flow in the right direction. This eliminates the varicose vein and the pain caused by it.
Laser for Neurosurgery and Orthopedics
Laser for Neurosurgery and Orthopedics
PLDD (percutaneous laser disc decompression), A herniated disc is like a balloon with a weak spot. Inflating it will cause a bulge (herniation). Pain results from the bulge pressing against nerves in the spinal column. The percutaneous laser discectomy is achieved by passing a laser fiber optic into specific regions of a lumbar
or cervical disc under X-Ray control. The laser energy is then directed at the degenerate tissues to vaporise the unwanted disc material, reduce inflammation in the disc and to reduce pressure upon nerves passing over the disc protrusion. The PLDD treatment is performed on an outpatient basis using only local anesthesia and the relief of pain is usually immediate.
Diode Laser for proctology
In proctology lasers are used commonly for the precise excision or vaporization of the hemorrhoids, polips and condyloma. The result of the laser surgery is less discomfort, less medication, and faster healing. A hospital stay is generally not required. The laser is inherently therapeutic, sealing off nerves and tiny blood vessels. By sealing superficial nerve endings patients have a minimum of postoperative discomfort. With the closing of tiny blood vessels, the proctologist is able to operate in a controlled and bloodless environment. Laser can be use alone or in combination with other modalities.
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