
1210nm laser - the best wavelength for lipolysis

1210nm- the best wavelength for lipolysis

1210nm will be the next "gold wavelength" for lipolysis for 2-3 reasons (as you can see in the diagram) :

1) It has much higher absorption in fat (about X3 times) than the 920 nm ,975-980 nm ,1064 nm and 1320 nm and even higher than 1444 nm.So with a much lower energy you can liquified the fat.

2) It is better than 1444 nm because the last has a much higher absortion in water that inhibits the depth of penetration in the skin (70% of epidermis is water). That's why the 1064 nm reaches the great depth of penetration in comparison the upcoming wavelenghts (it has a much lower absorption in water).



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