
Laser Verrucae Therapy

Laser Verrucae Therapy

Caused by a virus, verrucae are highly contagious and are usually contracted in public places such as swimming pools, gyms, etc. Some people are more susceptible to the virus than others and this can lead to multiple verrucae or constant re-infection, which can sometimes also involve pain. 

Although many over-the-counter topical remedies are available, for serious or chronic verrucae infections, laser therapy provides a more permanent and effective solution. The telltale black mark of verrucae is actually blood vessels, which feed the verrucae and enable them to persist. Unlike topical remedies, the VELAS laser specifically targets these blood vessels with heat, while causing to damage to the surrounding tissue, to cut off the blood supply that “feeds” the verruca and allows it to survive, resulting in a fast, more permanent solution to the problem.

More information

Please contact lucien@gigaalaser.com

