
What Does High Power(Class IV) laser therapy accomplish?

Laser therapy reduces pain, reduces inflammation and accelerates healing.
  1. How does it reduce pain? Through its effect on nerve cells and nociceptors, increased stimulation threshorlds, reduced neuronal impulses, and increased release of tissue endorphins, pain perception is decrease.
  2. How does it reduce inflammations? Inflammations is reduced by decreasing release of prostaglandin and inflammatory mediators, by increasing macrophage acivity and leukocytic phagcocytosis and  by reducing edema through dilation of lymphatics.
  3. How does it accelerate healing? Healing is accelerated by increased blood flow from vasodilation, by increased angiogenesis and capillary production, by increase of cytokines.

The most common conditions are 
* Arthritis                                           
* Carpal tunnel syndrome 
* Muscle & ligament tears
* Hip & Knee pain 
* Trigger points & muscle spasms 
* Sprains / strains 
* Pain following surgery 
* Nerve associated pain 
* Foot & heel pain 
* Plantar fascitis 
* Ankle Sprain 
* Achilles Tendonitis 
* Morton’s neuroma 
* Bunion pain 
* Non-healing wounds
* Neck & back injuries 
* Herniated discs 
* Spinal stenosis 
* Sciatica (Leg pain) 
* Shoulder pain 
* Rotator cufftear 
* Tennis elbow 


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