
Laser application for Ophtalmology: Laser DCR surgery

Ophtalmology: DCR

DCR is a surgery performed to create a new tear drain between the eye and nose when the current tear drain becomes blocked or obstructed.
The nasolacrimal duct obstruction is suffered by 2-4% of population over 40 years old and 30-40% of individuals over 90 years old.
The traditional treatment method is to surgically reopen the lacrimal duct externally.
However, this is a lengthy, difficult procedure associated with a high potential for side effects such as strong, post-operative bleeding and
scar formation.
GIGAA LASER can supply a procedure kit for DCR that makes the reopening of the lacrimal duct a safer, minimally invasive procedure.
The cannula is introduced once in order to perform the treatment pain-free and bloodlessly.
Then, the required drainage is set in place using the same cannula.
The procedure can be done under local anesthesia and leaves no scars.


Atraumatic procedure Limited complications and side effects Local anesthesia
No post-operative bleeding or oedema
No infections
No scars
No hospitalization, it is an outpatient surgery center procedure
Enables a return to usual activities the following day

Minimally invasive procedure
Time savings
Very short learning curve

