
Onychomychosis (nail fungus) Therapy laser

Onychomychosis is a fungal infection of the nail and its prevalence is about 6% in the adult population. The causative pathogens of onychomycosis include dermatophytes like Trichophyton (rubrum, interdigitale, Epidermophyton floccosum), but also molds and yeasts like Candida.
Complete treatment of onychomycosis is challenging because the infection is embedded within the nail and is difficult to reach; full removal of symptoms is slow and may take a year or more.
Most treatments are either systemic or topical antifungal medications.
These antifungal treatments achieve modest clinical results and, in addition, can cause common side effects like headache, skin and gastrointestinal disordes.
A novel non–invasive approach includes the irradiation of a laser beam, whose wavelength is absorbed by microbial pathogens on a specific area. The absorbed energy is converted into heat and the consequent temperature increase deactivates the pathogenic micro-organism without damaging the surrounding tissues.
The specific wavelength of 1064nm deactivates the parasitic organism; moreover, the pulse width of the laser beam, in the order of ms, is lower than the skin relaxation time (of the order of 10 ms) and this allows the thermal confinement of the absorbed energy and the consequent painless treatment.
The GBOX 1064nm laser is supplied with an optical fiber, handpiece and safety goggles in a suitcase for the easy transportation of the device.
Quick and safe
No pain
No contraindications
No side effects
No local anesthesia is required Does not harm the nail or skin
Shoes and nail polish can be worn immediately after treatment
Near-IR radiation therapy is safer than teratogenic UV therapy
No toxic smokes typical of pulsed lasers, is generated by photoablation
No photosensitizing agents are required
Laser is maintenance-free
No consumables

