
VELAS 1470nm Laser Lipolysis

Laser lipolysis is the least invasive method of treatment for fat reduction.

VELAS 1470 emits at a wavelength highly absorbed by fat compared with other wavelength. Laser light energy is absorbed causing the swelling and rupture of adipocytes. When the fat is melted, it can either be absorbed by the body or removed by the physician with liposuction. While melting the fatty tissue the VELAS 1470 also tightens the surrounding skin, preventing it from sagging after the
fatty deposits have been removed. The heating effect of the laser induces new collagen and elastin formation within the skin. Shrinking is more pronounced and skin is much smoother than after classical liposuction.
Laser lipolysis is less invasive than classical liposuction because only a 1-2mm incision is required to insert the cannula with the optical fiber and there is no need for general anesthesia.
The fatty tissue removal process requires less external force and exertion compared to the standard liposuction.
Thermally induced coagulation minimizes bleeding and trauma, as well as posttreatment bruising and swelling. Patients can expect shorter recovery times and a reduced need for compressive garments, while they can get back to their daily activities immediately after the procedure.
GIGAA LASER offers a unique handpiece with small outer diameter cannulas and an integrated aspiration channel.

Safe, fast, effective
Minimal discomfort during the procedure
Simultaneous skintightening
Avoid loose skin
No stitches required
No general anesthesia required
Faster recovery
Training with laser specialist
Live demonstration

